Friends of Jesus
In the gospel of John, the Religious Society of Friends receives our denominational name, as well as rich imagery relating to the Light of Christ. Jesus shares many beautiful metaphors of who he is, such as a vine, bread, and a shepherd, and he says he can offer living water that can flow through the community of faith, pouring out the Spirit to work in us abundantly. This quarter’s Illuminate introduces us to Jesus through these metaphors as well as through his encounters with a variety of people, prompting us to consider what it looks like to be a Friend of Jesus in this time.
1. John Among Friends (John 13:31–35; 15:12–17)
2. Transcendent and Incarnate Word (John 1:1–18)
3. Bread of Life (John 6:35–51, 57–71)
4. Light of the World (John 8:12–20; 12:44–50)
5. Living Water (John 3:1–8; 4:5–15)
6. Way, Truth, and Life (John 11:17–26; 14:1–14)
7. True Vine (John 15:1–11; 17:20–26)
8. Jesus as Healer (John 5:1–13; 9:1–11)
9. Last Supper (John 13:3–20)
10. Betrayals of Judas and Peter (John 18:1–9, 15–18, 25–27)
11. Trial and Crucifixion (John 18:33–38; 19:16b–18, 25b–37)
12. Resurrection (John 20:1–18)
13. Fearful and Faithful (John 20:24–29; 21:1–13)
Paul Anderson
Brent Bill
Cherice Bock
Robert S. Henry
Jennifer Higgins-Newman
Michael Jay
Robin Mohr
Zachary Moon
Jaimie Mudd
Charity Sandstrom
Ben Snyder
Leigh Tolton
’Tricia Williams
Greg Woods
Brian Young