Illuminate: Christ in the Weak and Wounded

Christ in the Weak and Wounded
Barclay Press
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Christ in the Weak and Wounded

We called this quarter “Christ in the Weak and Wounded,” recognizing that those we selected to exemplify “weakness” were not necessarily weak, but they were expected to be weak by the societies they inhabited. In biblical stories, we often see the younger taking precedence over the older, the seemingly insignificant playing a pivotal role, the weak triumphing over the strong, and the wounded being commended for their faith. As we contemplate these stories, may we also contemplate our own weaknesses, our own woundedness, and how Christ meets us there.



  1. The Least of These (Mark 9:33–37; Matthew 25:33–45)
  2. Called (1 Samuel 1:20–28; 2:11, 18–21; 3:6–18)
  3. Chosen (1 Samuel 16:6–13; 17:38–50)
  4. Faithful (Exodus 2:1–10; 15:20–21; 2 Kings 5:1–5, 14–19a)
  5. Courageous (Esther 4:12–16; 8:3–8, 16–17; Luke 1:26–38)
  6. Disciples (Luke 10:38–42; John 11:1–3, 32–35; 20:1–3, 11–18)
  7. Leaders (Judges 4:4–16; Acts 18:1–4, 24–28)
  8. Evangelists (John 4:7–14, 25–30, 39–42; Matthew 28:1–10)
  9. Respected (Genesis 38:11–19, 24–26; John 8:1–11)
  10. Seen and Heard (Genesis 16:1–13; 21:9–21)
  11. Seen and Included (Mark 10:46–52; Luke 19:1–10)
  12. Healed (Luke 8:26–56)
  13. Included (Philemon 1:8–21; Romans 16:1–16)


Paul Almquist, Cherice Bock, Windy Cooler, Lynette Davis, Geoff Knowlton, Jeanne Marie Mudd, Christina Muhr, Jennifer Newman, Charity Sandstrom, Ed Schneider, Lia Scholl, Ben Snyder, Leigh Tolton, Melinda Wenner Bradley, Greg Woods



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